Currently a work in progress…
It is my intention for this series to be non-linear, with no beginning or end, unraveling that disorienting space between dream and wakefulness,echoing hazy memories, and stirring up the visceral layers of emotion.
This series is a reflection on themes of memory, dream, loss, and transformation. There is an elusive slippage between the past and imagined landscapes. Interweaving personal and spiritual narratives together in one lyrical collective thread.
The imaginary worlds reveal glimpses of light as they delve through the structural layers of the psyche, deep towards the inner worlds, revealing the fragility that resides there. Each image invites the viewer into a suspended moment, a liminal space, presented in temporality and transition. This is a place where the light shines brightly but the shadows remain.
The distant whispers of reality are left behind as you enter the threshold between the two different states of being, opening the way to something new. Extending beyond the transition point, our reality shifts and we open ourselves to transformation.